An audiometry evaluation is a non-invasive, painless hearing test that assesses a person’s ability to differentiate between different sounds, pitches, and frequencies. Patients with a tumor in or around the ear may receive audiometry testing to see if they have developed hearing loss or to monitor their hearing before and after surgery.


An audiogram is a graph or chart that displays the results of your hearing test. Initially, it might look like a bunch of indecipherable lines and symbols. But once you learn how to read and interpret your audiogram, you will better understand your hearing test. Even more important, your hearing care professional will use the results to help determine the best types of hearing test for you.

The audiogram plots your hearing thresholds across various frequencies, or pitches, in a quiet listening environment. A hearing threshold is defined as the softest sound you are able to detect about 50 percent of the time. So don’t be surprised if you feel like you “missed” some of the beeps. 

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