Our Services

Our Services

Audiologists or Board Certified Hearing Devices Specialists would provide a diagnostic report as part of our services. 

Audiometry (AC,BC)
Audiometry (AC,BC)

An audiometry evaluation is a non-invasive, painless hearing test that assesses a person’s ability to differentiate between different sounds, pitches, and frequencies. Patients with a tumor in or around the ear may receive audiometry testing to see if they have developed hearing loss or to monitor their hearing before and after surgery.


Tympanometry is a way of measuring how well your eardrum moves. Each ear will be probed with a little probe that looks like an earbud by an audiologist. Air will be pushed into your ear by a little device attached to the probe.

bera easyScreen

A periodic repeated (rapid) auditory stimulus elicits an electrical response known as an auditory steady-state response (ASSR). The purpose of an ASSR is to create an estimated audiogram using frequency-specific stimuli (0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz). In other words, it’s a test for determining a threshold value.


A periodic repeated (rapid) auditory stimulus elicits an electrical response known as an auditory steady-state response (ASSR). The purpose of an ASSR is to create an estimated audiogram using frequency-specific stimuli (0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz). In other words, it’s a test for determining a threshold value.

Islamabad Hearing center
Hearing Aids

A hearing aid is a small electronic device worn in or behind the ear that helps you hear well. It amplifies certain sounds so that a person with hearing loss can listen, and fully engage in daily activities. In both quiet and busy environments, a hearing aid can help people hear well.

Islamabad Hearing center
Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus (pronounced ti-ni-tus) is the sense of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds in one’s ears. The noise may be intermittent or continuous, and its volume may vary. Tinnitus maskers and Tinnitus Management options are offered on-site. Other management options, such as “Neuromonics,” may be examined and incorporated into treatment strategy as well.


The ABR test assesses how a child’s hearing nerve reacts to various noises. Electrodes are placed on a child’s head and in front of his or her ears and connected to a computer. Tests use a sophisticated computer to assess the child’s ability to hear.

lab facilities
Lab Facilities

Islamabad Hearing Center-Pvt.Ltd is a leading provider of high-quality hearing aids and skilled hearing aid services in Pakistan. The company provides hearing aid maintenance and servicing for all brands. A regular and thorough maintenance schedule is critical to reducing the need for repairs and extending the life of your hearing aids.


Cochlear implant

A cochlear implant is a small, advanced electronic device that can enable a person who is profoundly deaf or very hard of hearing to gain a sensation of sound. An external piece of the implant rests behind the ear, and a second portion is surgically implanted beneath the skin.

Swimming plugs

Swimming ear plugs prevent Swimmer’s Ear, a type of ear infection caused by water. These plugs keep your ears dry by creating a watertight seal in the ear canal which can also be used for surfing, rafting, snorkeling, and showering.

Islamabad Hearing center
Ear molds

They’re a meticulously shaped piece of material that lies in and links the ear canal to the hearing instrument. Depending on particular preference and the form of the ear, obtain them in a variety of shapes and colors.

Newborn screening

The newborn hearing screening test aids in the early detection of babies with irreversible hearing loss. As a result, parents can get the help and advice they need straight away.

Islamabad Hearing center
Otoacoustic Emissions

The OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) test examines a component of the inner ear’s sound response. When a small section of the cochlea is stimulated by clicking sounds, it produces otoac acoustic emissions. A practically inaudible sound is produced which echoes back into the middle ear.

FM systems

FM stands for frequency modulation, and it is a method of transmitting audio signals to the listener using radio waves. Noise, echo, and distance are three factors that diminish the quality of the speech signal received by the microphone of a hearing aid or cochlear implant system The FM system improves all three aspects.

Islamabad Hearing center

Personal connections to equipment, such as assistive listening devices, make it simpler to hear and communicate. Amplified phones, phones, and smartphones compatible with hearing aids, television compatible devices, and warning devices are among them.

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